秘密警察 (Himitsu Keisatsu) (2025)

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!Warning: This song contains questionable elements (Violence); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.

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秘密警察 (Himitsu Keisatsu) (1)

Song title
Romaji: Himitsu Keisatsu
English: Secret Police
Original Upload Date
Hatsune Miku
Buriru (music, lyrics)
Bukichin (illustration)
1,500,000+ (NN), 110,000+ (YT), 14,000+ (PP)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / piapro Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (reprint)


This song has also been adapted into a novel.

Alternate Version

秘密警察 (Himitsu Keisatsu) (2)

Confidential ver.
Upload date: January 17, 2014
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): Buriru (music, lyrics)



無駄だぞ!muda da zo!It's useless.
オマエは見張られてるomae wa miharareteruYou're being watched.
どこへ逃げようともdoko e nigeyou to moNo matter where you run,
国家の転覆kokka no tenpukuwe will not let off
企む輩をtakuramu yakara othose who scheme to
決して 我らはkesshite warera waoverthrow
逃しはしないnogashi wa shinaithe government.
オマエの すべてのomae no subete noWe already have
行動パターンkoudou pataana good grasp
把握している 何もかもをな!haaku shite iru nani mo kamo o na!of the patterns of all your movements!

オマエがomae gaWhile you
のうのうと 暮らしてる間にnounou to kurashiteru ma nilead a carefree life,
協力者は 増えてるkyouryokusha wa fueteruthe number of our collaborators increases.
オマエの 周りのomae no mawari noAll the people
すべての者たちsubete no monotachiaround you,
例えば隣人、同僚tatoeba rinjin, douryouincluding your neighbors, coworkers,
さらには 恋人、家族までもがsarani wa koibito, kazoku made mo gaor even lover and family members,
オマエを 監視してるomae o kanshi shiteruare keeping surveillance on you.

我ら 秘密警察warera himitsukeisatsuWe, the Secret Police,
政府直属seifu chokuzokuare a national security force
国家保安部なのだ!kokka hoanbu na no da!working directly for the government!
秘密警察himitsukeisatsuThe Secret Police,
闇に紛れるyami ni magirerulurking in the darkness,
スパイ活動 取り締まりsupai katsudou torishimarioversees and controls all the spying.

朝から 晩までasa kara ban madeFrom morning to night,
オマエを 監視する(みる)omae o miruwe will keep our watch on you.
朝から 晩までasa kara ban madeFrom morning to night,
オマエを 監視する(みる)omae o miruwe will keep our watch on you.
朝から 晩までasa kara ban madeFrom morning to night,
オマエを 監視する(みる)omae o miruwe will keep our watch on you.
朝から 晩までasa kara ban madeFrom morning to night,
オマエを 監視する(みる)omae o miruwe will keep our watch on you.

オマエをomae oIn order
自白に 追い込むためjihaku ni oikomu tameto force you to confess,
あらゆる手段使うarayuru shudan tsukauwe won't hesitate to use any means available.
繰り返される 拷問kurikaesareru goumonWe could use
或いは 静脈注射の薬物arui wa joumyakuchuusha no yakubutsurelentless interrogation or intravenous injection.
或いは オマエのarui wa omae noOr, we could even
大事な者を 人質 容赦はしない!daiji na mono o hitojichi yousha wa shinai!take hostages the people precious to you!

だから 秘密警察dakara himitsukeisatsuBecause the Secret Police
政府直属seifu chokuzokuis a national security force
国家保安部なのだ!kokka hoanbu na no da!working directly for the government!
秘密警察himitsukeisatsuThe Secret Police
思想弾圧shisou danatsusuppresses anti-government thoughts
不満分子を 取調べfumanbunshi o torishirabeand investigates the dissenters.

来る日も 来る日もkuru hi mo kuru hi moEvery single day,
オマエを 調査する(みる)omae o miruwe will keep investigating you.
来る日も 来る日もkuru hi mo kuru hi moEvery single day,
オマエを 調査する(みる)omae o miruwe will keep investigating you.
来る日も 来る日もkuru hi mo kuru hi moEvery single day,
オマエを 調査する(みる)omae o miruwe will keep investigating you.
来る日も 来る日もkuru hi mo kuru hi moEvery single day,
オマエを 調査する(みる)omae o miruwe will keep investigating you.

秘密警察himitsukeisatsuThe Secret Police
政府直属seifu chokuzokuis a national security force
国家保安部なのだ!kokka hoanbu nano da!working directly for the government!
秘密警察himitsukeisatsuThe Secret Police,
闇に紛れるyami ni magirerulurking in the darkness,
スパイ活動 取り締まりsupai katsudou torishimarioversees and controls all the spying.

朝から 晩までasa kara ban madeFrom morning to night,
オマエを 監視する(みる)omae o miruwe will keep our watch on you.
朝から 晩までasa kara ban madeFrom morning to night,
オマエを 監視する(みる)omae o miruwe will keep our watch on you.
朝から 晩までasa kara ban madeFrom morning to night,
オマエを 監視する(みる)omae o miruwe will keep our watch on you.
朝から 晩までasa kara ban madeFrom morning to night,
オマエを 監視する(みる)omae o miruwe will keep our watch on you.
朝から 晩までasa kara ban madeFrom morning to night,
オマエを 監視する(みる)omae o miruwe will keep our watch on you.
朝から 晩までasa kara ban madeFrom morning to night,
オマエを 監視する(みる)omae o miruwe will keep our watch on you.
朝から 晩までasa kara ban madeFrom morning to night,
オマエを 監視する(みる)omae o miruwe will keep our watch on you.
朝から 晩までasa kara ban madeFrom morning to night,
オマエを 監視する(みる)omae o miruwe will keep our watch on you.

English translation by animeyay


This song was featured on the following albums:

  • 財布と相談、おわった?
  • Vocalonexus
  • Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- F Complete Collection
  • Vocalohistory
  • Hatsune Miku Project DIVA MEGA39's 10th Anniversary Collection

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秘密警察 (Himitsu Keisatsu) (2025)
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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.