Fletching is one of the P2P skills in Old School Runescape, which requires a BOND (membership) to enable it. Training this skill is so easy and can be done very quickly, probably the fastest skill you can train in OSRS. It just requires a lot of money if you wanna use the fastest way to level 99. But also, you can use it to make money at the higher levels instead of spending money to train it. There are also cheap and slow training ways to get to 99 but in this guide, we are going to focus only on how to reach level 99 as soon as possible.
Fletching is generally not so important, but it’s being used to craft Ranged weapons and also their ammo. So it is a decent money-making method if you are willing to utilize the skill in something useful. Training Fletching can be simply done by combining two items into one item, and it only requires 3 clicks to make 150 items. Also, sometimes (depending on the method) only 14 items will be made by these 3 clicks or 10 items by 2 clicks.
The methods mentioned below are not fully AFK but a mix of semi-AFK and click-intensive methods to achieve the goal in a very short time. The required material for each method can be bought directly from the Grand Exchange.
Make sure to check out all 23 OSRS skills in our relevant guide.
Table of Contents
Level 1-25
Beginning to train your Fletching skill to level 25 cannot be done faster than making Headless Arrows. Making one Headless Arrow requires 1 Arrow Shaft and 1 Feather and it gives 1 XP. Doing that is very click-intensive but also so fast and easy. The XP needed is 7,842 which means you will need the same amount of Headless Arrows to be made. 150 Headless Arrows can be made in a row and after that, you will need to repeat the process.
This method is very cheap and it is actually profitable but don’t expect huge profits, it will only be a few gold coins, it is also a Semi-AFK method.
Making Headless Arrows, Old School Runescape
Required Arrow Shafts: 7,842
Required Feathers: 7,842
XP/HR: 38K
Level 25-35
After reaching level 25 you will be aiming for level 35 and that can be done by making Oak Long Bows. Each Bow made gives you 25 XP, and 14 bows can be made in a row by 3 clicks only. 583 Bows are needed to reach level 35, each bow requires 1 Oak Longbow (u) and 1 Bow String to be made.
This method requires a low amount of gold coins, but you won’t be making any money at all and it is semi-AFK.
Making Oak Longbows, Old School Runescape
Required Oak Longbows (u): 583
Required Bow Strings: 583
XP/HR: 53K
Level 35-37
You can keep making Oak Longbows until 37, but in this guide, we are showing you the fastest way. That means making Willow longbows from 35 to 37 is much faster than making Oak longbows.
Only 153 Willow Longbows are required, and each bow requires 1 Willow Longbow (u) and 1 Bow String. Making 1 bow gives 41 XP and 14 bows can be made in a row just like the Oak Longbows.
It is a Semi-AFK cheap method, but it doesn’t grant you any profits when you sell the Bows back to the Grand Exchange.
Making Willow Longbows, Old School Runescape
Required Willow Longbows (u): 153
Required Bow Strings: 153
XP/HR: 85K
Level 37-52
Reaching level 52 can be done so fast by making Steel Darts, but making Darts generally is very click-intensive as you can only make 10 of them by 2 clicks. Making one Steel Dart requires 1 Steel Dart Tip and 1 Feather. Each 10 Steel Darts made will give you 75 XP and you will need to make 12,825 Steel Darts overall.
This method requires a decent amount of money and you won’t be making any profits by selling the Steel Darts back to the Grand Exchange. It is also not AFK at all, but very fast in terms of XP per Hour.
Making Steel Darts, Old School Runescape
Required Steel Dart Tips: 12,825
Required Feathers: 12,825
XP/HR: 630K
Level 52-67
From 52 to 67 you will have to start making Mithril Darts instead of Steel Darts, making one Mithril Dart requires 1 Mithril Dart tip and 1 Feather. Making 10 Mithril Darts will give you 112 XP and you will need to make 37,884 of them.
It is a click-intensive method and requires maybe the same amount of money needed for the Steel Darts. It doesn’t grant you any profits by selling back the made Darts to the Grand Exchange, so you are simply paying for a huge amount of Fletching XP.
Making Mithril Darts, Old School Runescape
Required Mithril Dart Tips: 37,884
Required Feathers: 37,884
XP/HR: 940K
Level 67-81
Reaching level 81 can be done so fast by making Adamant Darts, each Dart requires 1 Adamant Dart Tip and 1 Feather. Making 10 Adamant Darts will give you 150 XP and you will need to make 109,658 Darts.
This method is expensive and it doesn’t grant you any profits apart from the huge XP/HR rates. It is also not AFK at all, just like the other Dart methods.
Making Adamant Darts, Old School Runescape
Required Adamant Dart Tips: 109,658
Required Feathers: 109,658
XP/HR: 1.2M
Level 81-95
You can keep making Adamant Darts till level 99, since it is the cheapest method to do it from level 67, but we are here trying to show the fastest methods regardless of the money required.
To reach 95, you will have to make Rune Darts, each dart requires 1 Rune Dart Tip and 1 Feather. Making 10 Darts give you 188 XP and you will need to make 349,933 Darts.
It is a very expensive method and it is advised to be used only if you are very rich and willing to max your skills in a short time. Otherwise, stick to Adamant Darts.
Making Rune Darts, Old School Runescape
Required Rune Dart Tips: 349,933
Required Feathers: 349,933
XP/HR: 1.5M
Level 95-99
Dragon Darts are the best Darts to make until level 99, making 1 Dragon Dart requires 1 Dragon Dart Tip and 1 Feather. Each 10 Dragon Drats give you 250 XP and you will have to make 170,515 of them to finally max your Fletching Skill.
Same as Rune Darts, it is very expensive and should only be used if you are a very rich player in OSRS.
Making Dragon Darts, Old School Runescape
Required Dragon Dart Tips: 170,515
Required Feathers: 170,515
Fletching is not an important skill for you if you are already making money using the PVE method. It should only be trained if you are willing to max all your skills or going to make money using your Life Skills. It is not the best idea to make money using Fletching, but some players prefer it as you can chill while doing it.
Keep in mind that the XP per Hour rates mentioned are not completely guaranteed as it is totally depending on how fast you are alongside the quality of your internet connection.